- Adept (one of the Mahatmas)
- Arnold, Matthew
- Augustine, Saint
- Bacon, Francis
- Barker, A.T.
- Besant, Annie W.
- Blavatsky, Helena P.
- Buck, J.D.
- Buddha, Gautama
- Chardin, Pierre Teilhard
- Carton, Paul
- Churchill, Winston
- Coats, John B.S.
- Codd, Clara M.
- Collins, Mabel
- Columban (Saint founder of three great monasteries, of Celtic Christianity, which became the three main cultural centers of Europe)
- Converse, Philip E.
- Da Vinci, Leonardo
- Dom Bosco (Saint Giovanni Bosco)
- Duverger, Maurice
- Einstein, Albert
- Elias (Old Testament)
- Figueiredo, Cinira R.
- Gaer, J.
- Gibran, G. Khalil
- Guénon, René
- Hart, Samuel H.
- Hermes, Trismegistus
- Huxley, Aldous
- Jesus (Son of God, of the New Testament)
- Jinarajadasa, C.
- Job (Old Testament)
- John (Evangelist)
- Johnston, William
- Joshua (Old Testament)
- K.H. (Koot Humi, one of the Mahatmas)
- Kharishnanda, Yogi
- Kingsford, Anna B.
- Krishnamurti, J.
- Leadbeater, C.W.
- Luke (Evangelist)
- Lyra, Alberto
- Macpherson, C.B.
- Mahachohan (a Great Chief of the Mahatmas)
- Maitland, Edward
- Mark (Evangelist)
- Mary (Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus)
- Marx, Karl
- Matthew (Evangelist)
- McCrie, Bertram
- Michael (Prince, Old Testament)
- Moses (Old Testament)
- Narain, Jai Prakash
- Patrick (Saint founder of Celtic Christianity and many monasteries)
- Paul (Apostle)
- Pereira, Viviane
- Pythagoras
- Plato
- Plotinus
- Plutarch
- Schlickeysen, Gustav.
- Schumacher, Ernst F.
- Shaw, George Bernard
- Sinnett, A.P.
- Sisson Filho, Arnaldo
- Sisson, Marina Cesar
- Smith, Huston.
- Sri Ram, N.
- Steiner, Rudolf
- Taimni, Iqbal K.
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre
- Tolstoi, Leon
- Toynbee, Arnold
- Widman, J.V.
- Wilhelm, Richard